“Vamployees” are employees who act like one of the three types of vampires described in The Three-Dimensional Leader: Negotiating Your Mission, Resources and Context. Vamployees corrupt teams and organizational performance, as they over react to stimuli, overstep boundaries, and make bizarre justifications for their behaviors.
The book contains a section called: “Vying with Vampires,” which asks, “What is the difference between
- a real vampire who enjoys being hominus nocturnus;
- a person who is a vampire but is in denial about it; and
- a person who is delusional and thinks he is a vampire but, in fact, is not?”
The section is accompanied by vivid detail explaining the behaviors of these three types of vampires and how they drain synergy from their coworkers, managers, supervisors and organizational processes. The outcomes of their behaviors are explained in a section on “The Four Types of Employees.” A section on “The Role of Supervisors” gives us practical advice, and strategies for dealing with them. Case examples also are included to show the outcomes you can expect from deploying the anecdotes.
Do you have difficult employees whose behaviors are challenging to define? Want solutions to end their masquerade? Do you have the courage to uncloak your vamployees? The Three-Dimensional Leader will give you tools for “Verifying and Vying with Vampires.”