The Three-Dimensional Leader: Negotiating your Mission, Resources and Context book and training programs unpack the 3-D MRC management system that transformed common, everyday workplaces into highly cooperative and uncommonly productive environments.
Earl C. Wallace developed the MRC concepts and theories, as he trained his teams in three different organizations to negotiate several accomplishments others thought were impossible to achieve. Others began requesting that he also help their organizations, so he wrote the book. |
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Benefits of the 3-Dimensional Leader Mindset
The 3-D Leader contains the moving stories of these leaders:
3DMRC Consulting (formerly Three-Dimensional Leader) | Earl Wallace, Leadership Author, Trainer and Organizational Consultant | [email protected] | 518-396-9457 cell | 518-377-3582 office | Schenectady, NY
Designed by Beelissa | [email protected] | 518-396-9457 cell | 518-377-3582 office | Schenectady, NY
Designed by Beelissa