The Right Motivation
The right motivation for a change initiative or mission, means you are focused on arranging operations so employees can better succeed at their jobs to better manufacture products, provide services and/or meet customers’ needs.
The Right Map
You must undertake correct data collection and analysis to know that you have the right map of information to determine down what paths the employees and organization have gone, and what direction must now be taken to bridge the gap between failing performance and mission accomplishment. The goal of your data analysis is to help you define a process map that helps your employees know why it better meets customers’ needs.
When leaders keep changing methods of data analysis and interpretation, employees lack confidence that leaders know what is relevant to organizational success.
The Right Messages
Change must be carried out in appropriate language and terms that the team understands. When a quarterback is traded to a new football team, he cannot expect to call out plays using language from his old team environment. The quarterback has to learn the new team’s offensive system and nomenclature. The right message means that you must present your findings and explain your initiatives in language and terms that are compatible with the organization’s culture. You do not want to sound like an alien who has just landed from another planet by using language that is out of the organization’s cultural context. Addressing employees in terms that show you comprehend and relate to their work culture is essential to earning credibility.
How important do you think the right motivation, map and message are for people to wholeheartedly rally to change?