- to focus long term on the mission the organization is relying upon them to achieve, while avoiding distractions;
- to rally resources so people reach their collective potential, and
- to convert within the context by strategically guiding the organization to adjust to the ever-changing relevant variables that impacts how the business must operate. It is this mission, resources, and context (MRC) focus that provides tremendous outcomes for organizations.
Two-dimensional leaders only perceive just one or two of the MRC operational elements. One-dimensional leaders do not focus on their organizations’ missions, but are enticed by distractions, overwhelmed by insecurities and/or consumed with name recognition, and the perks of power and control. One-dimensional leadership is all about “me” – not the mission!
Great leaders demonstrate the character and competence to achieve the MRC three-dimensional capacity. Leadership character means
- resisting temptations to move the organization in directions that detract from its mission and purpose for existing;
- knowing how to work with others in open, honest, and selfless ways to motivate what makes the organization successful; and
- objectively analyzing variables to know which are relevant, and pursuing effective courses of action in relation to them.
Many people talk mission, but few keep the best interest of the organization at heart and walk out processes that are consistent with that day in and day out. Many people say they make the best use of organizational resources, yet they mistreat people, who are the most valuable resource. Many say they are objective, yet they allow others to leverage relationships to undermine what is best for the organization. Are you a SEM master?