Samson behaved as if he was the only one that mattered. Leaders like Samson have great personal gifts, skills and abilities, but fail to do what the organization needs from one in their position. Consequently organizations fail to achieve their potential.
Many leaders are like Samuel, who was a good and godly person, but who never achieved organizational synergy by getting effective collaboration throughout all its branches and levels.
Leaders like Deborah understand the value of empowering people by believing in and trusting them with responsibilities, as opposed to merely assigning them ministry tasks like they are odd jobs. The Three-Dimensional Leader says “III-D’s master the art of delegation with accountability absent of micromanagement.”
Rallying God’s Resources
As a church leader, you may be saying to yourself, “People have burned me.” “I can’t trust them.” “They learn a few things; get ordained and then leave this ministry to go off and do something else or become a competitor.” Even though some of what you may be thinking and feeling is true, we need to work in ways that make the body-of-Christ as robust as possible.
Mission (not me) Matters Most
Want to lead with a compelling Christ-centered vision that people make a commitment to? Want to be able to invest in your congregation, so they experience continual growth and thus are equipped to accomplish what brings the vision to reality? Three-Dimensional leadership principles will help those who attend your church to see a vision that goes beyond “I want people to show up on Sunday morning to listen to and admire what I do.”
Read - Learn - Lead
Three-Dimensional Leadership achieves body-of-Christ dynamics that continually transforms the people-resources who negotiate the context to fulfill the Great Commission.